Useful Links
Threads of Life
Threads of Life
The Association for Workplace Tragedy Family Support, known as Threads of Life, is a Canadian registered charity dedicated to supporting families after a workplace fatality, life-altering injury or occupational disease. Our network of family members and corporate partners believes traumatic workplace injuries, occupational diseases and deaths are preventable..
Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups
Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups
ONIWG is a provincial voice for workers who have been injured or made ill on the job. We have first-hand experience of the WCB/WSIB system, know it needs improvement and take united action to make this happen. A democratically governed organization, ONIWG has been representing workers since 1991.
Fair Practices Commission 2020 Annual Report
Fair Practices Commission 2020 Annual Report
The Fair Practices Commission is an independent office that works to promote and ensure fair practices at the WSIB of Ontario. The FPC listens to the concerns raised by injured workers, employers, and service providers; resolves fairness issues as quickly as possible; and identifies recurring fair practice issues and report them to the WSIB with recommendations for improvements.
Asbestos in the UK
Asbestos in the UK
Asbestos was widely used in the United Kingdom for many decades. Lauded as an excellent insulator, the mineral found its way into shipyards, factories, chemical plants, power plants, refineries, commercial buildings and even homes and schools in the U.K. Little thought was given to the potential dangers of the mineral, even though scientific findings from as early as the 1920s and 1930s suggested that the material was causing serious respiratory illnesses in individuals exposed to airborne asbestos fibers.
Canadian Injured Workers Alliance (CIWA)
Canadian Injured Workers Alliance (CIWA)
The Canadian Injured Workers Alliance (CIWA) is a national network of injured workers groups that aims to support and strengthen the work of local, provincial, and territorial injured workers groups by providing a forum for exchanging information and sharing experiences.
Community Legal Education Ontario: WSIB Publications
Community Legal Education Ontario: WSIB Publications
Most of our publications are written for people with low incomes, and other disadvantaged groups, including immigrants and refugees, seniors, women and injured workers. Community legal clinics, agencies and organizations also use our publications to help clients with legal problems. By describing the law as simply and clearly as possible, our materials help people understand and exercise their legal rights.
Institute for Work and Health
Institute for Work and Health
The Institute for Work & Health is an independent, not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to conduct and share research that protects and improves the health of working people and is valued by policy-makers, workers and workplaces, clinicians, and health & safety professionals.
Ontario Workplace Tribunal Library
Ontario Workplace Tribunal Library
The library is available to workers, employers, and their representatives as they deal with issues in labour relations, human rights, employment standards, pay equity and workers' compensation.
A Guide for Navigating the WSIB Process
A Guide for Navigating the WSIB Process
Where to start after your workplace injury or illness? Navigating Ontario’s workers’ compensation system can be stressful. The Ontario Legal Clinics’ Workers’ Compensation Network has recently prepared What Every Injured worker Needs to Know, a practical 24-page guide to help you understand: how the claims process works what Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefits might be available to you
There are a number of WSIB Legislation and policy document resources available below, including downloadable documents and links to additional information.